Clearing Prayers,Processes and Techniques

Clearing Prayers,Processes and Techniques

I often get messages for clients during a healing session. There may be a clearing prayer or process recommended or an essential oil or tool that can help them stay grounded and connected. I am putting the Prayers, processes and techniques here so everyone can use them. There are 7 pages of prayers and intentions so please scroll through and see what works for you.

Please filter everything through your heart(Discernment). Use what you feel comfortable with and feel free to ask questions. I have been doing healing sessions for over a decade and am still learning from my Guides, Angels, Spirit Helpers, Elders and Star Family on a daily basis.

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Clearing Prayers:

The Prayer of Exorcism, Robotic Prayer and Archon Clearing were shared with me by Kari Chapman. You can go to her website for more information. go to the ” Prayers ” link on the left side of the Home Page.

Prayer of Exorcism :  Divine Mother , Holy Father,Creator of All That Is, Through the authority vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the Power of the Holy Spirit,  I deliberately and consciously call forth to the energy of Archangel Michael and the Band of Mercy ( a group of angels whose job it is to move lost souls out of the astral plane ) to enter the body, home, automobile and place of work of ( where ever or whom ever it may be )  ________________ and to remove all negative energies, entities, influences, forces, attachments, implants, curses, hexes and spells, in all times frames past, present and future, all levels of the soul simultaneously, parallel universes and dimensions. I ask that these energies, entities, influences, and forces be taken into the Light for transmutation and that there be no negative side effects to anyone’s bodies, physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. I ask that all curses, hexes, spells and implants be removed and be balanced with Love, Light, Intention and Forgiveness. I ask that ____________’s body now be triple sealed in THREE bubbles of protection ( it is helpful to think of the person in three bubbles of light- purple, pink and white ) against any further return or invasion of negative energies, entities, influences, forces, implants, curses, hexes, and spells. ( you can tone at this point ). This is a child of GOD and you have no dominion over_______________ , BE GONE NOW ! (You do not have to have the persons permission to do the exorcism, because possession is against spiritual law.) So Be It and So It Has Been Accepted. I Thank you Archangel Michael and the Band of Mercy, I Thank you and I Thank you, Amen, Amen, Amen, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth 3x.

You may also call forth Archangel Michael  to post his Angels in and around anyone or your home, as well as the Master Jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT.

Robotic Prayer:

If there is NOT a shift in energy once you do the Prayer of Exorcism, then immediately do the Robotic Clearing. The exorcism will not work on the robotic energies and entities as they do not have souls !

Robotic prayer:   by Hilarion— As a healer and energy worker, we read the energies around us or in the environment.. If you feel an energy that is not comfortable, and you have facilitated an exorcism or some form of a clearing/ consecration and there was not a shift in energy, we suggest the following . This is from the book titled:  Dark Robes, Dark Brothers- by Hilarion. EXCERPTS from Chapter Four:  

“The dark brotherhood can create robot-like entities at the aetheric level, programmed to directly interfere with reality. In order to create robots of this kind mentioned, the dark brothers MUST actually donate a part of their own essence. When the job is completed, the essences are re-absorbed back into those who donated them. HOWEVER, if the material going to create the robots should be Destroyed by means known to certain seekers, Before re-absorption can take place, then the re-combining cannot occur and the contributing dark brothers PERMANENTLY lose the respective parts that sustained the destroyed aetheric robots. The technique for destroying such aetheric entities is to Command them, in the name of Jesus Christ, to DISAPPEAR and to CEASE TO EXIST. Being far lower on the scale than a man, such entities MUST obey the command. It is important not to direct them  merely to depart, since that does not entail disintegration. I have used this with GREAT success and it has been reported back to me from many others that it was very successful for them as well. “

This is how to state the Robotic Prayer: Say it with a strong conviction.  

Through the authority vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the Power of the Holy Spirit, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,  I COMMAND and DEMAND any and all Robotic energies, entities, mechanical devices, attachments and implants ( in this location, or persons body, or where ever )  to CEASE to Exist and DISAPPEAR NOW ! _____________ is a child of GOD and you have no dominion over them BE GONE NOW ! So be it and so it has been accepted, I thank you Master Jesus, I thank you and I thank you, Amen 3 x and, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth 3x. 

Archon Clearing:

Now, if you STILL feel an energy present, immediately go into this Archon Clearing. 

( first have the person re-claim their Free Will )

 Do this by having your client state the following aloud :  I, ( state your name ) __________ on this date ( state the date ), __________  RE-CLAIM my FREE WILL on Earth ! So Be It and So It Has Been Accepted. No one can break this Law once stated.

Archon Clearing :Say it with a strong conviction.  

Divine Mother, Holy Father,Creator of All That Is, Through the authority vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the Power of the Holy Spirit,  I deliberately and consciously call forth to the energy and help from Saturn Command, The Celestials, The Elementals, AA Michael, the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the Master Jesus to enter ( a location, home or person ) and  We COMMAND and REMOVE ALL Archon energies and entities, both known and unknown. These  Archons can NOT break the Law of Freewill on Earth !  We PERMANENTLY ERADICATE ALL Archon energies and entities from EVER Coming Back !  NOW !!!! You No LONGER have ANY Dominion over This is a child of GOD  ( name or location )_______________ ,  and on Earth . BE GONE NOW !

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