Answers from the Spirit World
3-4-21 Message from Metatron
Protection song, Oyate Song ( Song for the people ) , reminded to wear a skirt. Dream this morning about Astronauts and The Ark of the Covenant, Noah’s Ark? – not sure what it meant.
I am Metatron, Keeper of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records, the living library. The energetic record of all that is and always was. The records are here for all to understand the true story, the real history of your existance, Earth’s existence and all that is.
So much has been hidden from you, kept you in the dark and ignorant of your true potential. Its is now time for the truth to come out. You are an infinite spark of Creator. You and Creator are one. You chose to experience all that you have experienced for the benefit of your Soul evolution. You also assist Creator in understanding all that is. This is experienced all at once through all souls incarnating at once. Sparks of Infinite Creator going forth in every way, learning every aspect of existence. Yes you see the lights coming out of the Great Central Sun, moving and shifting through the time lines and going to all planets, all timelines, everywhere. All are simultaneously experiencing this but the timelines shift and planets are formed and time expands. Some are in time, some no time. All potentials, all possibilities, unlimited.
Your Earth incarnation was planned. Planned for your Soul growth and for Creator. All who watch and observe are also learning from your experience. They also learn from all others incarnating on Earth with you at this time. This time you might call “ The Greatest Show on Earth” You all came, billions came to see the shift of ages. The movement into a new Age, a new time. This one has so much potential- the frequency of LOVE will return to the planet.
Your dream this morning has many facets. The Arch of the Covenant you said “ Noah’s Ark” Stuart says “ I don’t know if I want to open this book “ This is the next chapter. Yes even Eagle is working on the symbols for this book. So many are guided to be part of this book and you all will be because you are writing this book while you are experiencing it. The book is blank. The pages are yet to be filled because it is being birthed into existence. This is the new book for the New Age. You understand that to lift the veil , to lift the spell cast on the people of Earth you must bring in the Frequency of LOVE. Yes it does seem that everyone is under a spell. You felt it last year when you went into town. You wanted to scream “ Wake up” because no one questioned what they were doing. They just obediently went about their day, without even thinking about it.
The spell has been cast over the people of Earth and many other planets over time. People lulled into an almost catatonic state of existence. Do what you are told and do not question authority. You, the awakened ones, saw through the illusion. You see beyond this spell. You see the truth and you woke up. There are many waking up from their stupor, they have their eyes open wide and are learning the truth. The rest continue to sleep and do not choose to awaken. All you can do is show an example. There have always been those who go against the system, speak out, show the truth, speak the truth and as you know did not fare well. There are now so many awakened souls upon this planet that there is power and safety in numbers. The collective consciousness as was said at Solstice reached “ Critical Mass” The number needed to turn the tide of consciousness.
The millions of Souls awakened and the Souls coming in now are creating a wave of consciousness. Creating a rise in frequency and the energy needed to awaken the masses. Your dream this morning showed you the answer. That the frequency of LOVE breaks the spell. You learned this in the fall and your were given the confirmation a few hours ago. The meme and conversation with Jerika sparked another ah hah moment. You are all activating each other to figure this out. The frequency of love is missing when these spells are cast because those casting them are devoid of love. They are not Creators. The merely manipulate thought and energy that already exists to create their dark spells. That fact is ultimately their undoing. You are Creation and Creator, as has been said before, you hold the spark of Creation within your heart. The lights you see turning on are those sparks within the heart.
The waves you feel, waves washing over the planet are waves of love. They are sent from the Great Central Sun, your Sun, the Celestial bodies, your Star Family, your Soul Family on the other side, the Angelic Realms, the Elementals and all realms of light. These waves wash over the Earth and all inhabitants and help awaken you, raise your frequency and the frequency of all living things. The waves will increase in intensity. You need to prepare your body to accept this energy. It will affect everyone in different ways. The more open you are, the more activated you will be.Yes all will experience this in different ways. We don’t like to say how because others can be influenced just by reading. Yes these may be called “Ascension symptoms”. Stay grounded, rested and open to experience the energy as it flows. Ride the waves, surf the waves, and feel the energy of love, the energy that will awaken all to their true potential.
The frequency of love will break the spell and herald in this New Age, New Earth. The book is being written now, in the Akashic Records, your personal experiences, your collective experiences. The symbols have been given to assist you at this time- the way for us to live- Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, The way of the Earth Star. The covenant, the Universal and Spiritual Laws for this new time. Once again this message will be given in the language and way others will understand. In words and symbols to assist in right relationship with all living things. Love- the highest frequency will be what sets everyone free. How many ways has this been said before- simple and pure. This will be a time of relearning about love, life, unity, respect, hamony, truth. A time of peace and a connection to all that is and all that ever was.
This book is written as you experience all that is. Dream well, set intention, find what brings you joy, find your happiness again. Share your life experiences, the ones who are ready to learn will find you. You will build community. The teachings of the Earth and Stars, the activations around the Earth and beyond. The potential is unlimited if you allow it.
The dream of the men in space is an example of the illusion of truth. They are losing their gravity, what holds them in space, the ship, the space station is falling, losing its ability to stay in orbit. Men on the Earth below are affected by this and cannot orient themselves. When something goes wrong the camera is turned off. The truth is hidden so you don’t see what is really happening.
This is another example of how the truth is being hidden from you. You do not see it all. Reality is shifted to keep the lie alive, to fit the narrative. This is all illusion created to keep you in the dark. You now see the illusion. You can see the cracks in the matrix. You see that your current reality was created to keep you down, to prevent you from knowing your true potential. It is so important right now to stay grounded, discern, feel the energy and know what is true and what is illusion. Almost everything is a mixture of both. You have to seek the truth within. Use your tools, your guidance to filter. Do not accept everything as truth unless you feel it in your heart. There is an art to being able to do this. Those of you who aware have learned some hard lessons about discernment and are more able to filter the information. Show by example, be patient and be available to those who are learning. You can spare them some of the hard lessons by sharing what you have learned.
These times will be interesting. So much will be revealed and there is so much potential now for you all to experience. Do not limit yourself, do not doubt, do not fear. Keep your eyes open for the signs and synchronicity and they will show you the way. You are writing your next chapter. It may be a little harder because you have never done this before. Dream well, intend, live the life you have always wanted to live. A life filled with love and joy and adventure ( an orb on my pen) Amazing times ahead indeed. Remember you can access your Akashic Records any time. You just need to ask. Do not dwell too long in the past, instead dream of your future.
I leave you with love, so much has been revealed at this time and more will be understood as you pay attention to the signs. What an amazing time of Planet Earth !! I am Metatron, Keeper of the Akashic Records, always with you, always here to assist you on your path. Keep your feet firmly on the road of life and you will never lose your way.