Answers from the Spirit World
Co-Creating Our Reality
3-1-21 5:44 am
A word, a name is stuck in my head…an energy I do not want to bring into this session. That voice you hear is part of the end of an era. There is no power there unless you believe there is and you do not. This is the last ditch effort to keep it alive but the planet and the people have reached a level beyond this old belief system.
Keep your mind focused on the light, the future, the true potential that you can now achieve .The old ways are fading and now its time to move into this new era of light, love, 1000 years of peace. You will not wake up one day and have everything be different. It is YOU that is different. You are changing, evolving, becoming your true potential. It is not a place or destination it is a level of consciousness.
So many misunderstand this. You did too in the beginning. You thought you would wake up one day and the 3D world would be gone and only the higher dimensions would exist. Translation can be difficult and interpretation even harder. Remember this message come through your physical body and is interpreted by you and your belief system and level of understanding. You ask that it come through in a way that your logical mind can understand and we do our best to sent the message in that way. Some will read this and immediately understand and others may puzzle over it for a time until they have that ah hah moment. That light bulb above their head that sparks their understanding.
Evolving human, you have come so far. You are now bringing in the codes and frequency that was turned off or denied so long ago. You have heard the messages over time, through the years, and are waiting for the world to change in an instant. It has been changing for you since YOU woke up. Now it changes for the newly awakened and those who have just stepped on the path of enlightenment. It is a process for each person to find the understanding- the way that works for them. It is translated for them in a way they best understand.
You laugh when we show you the synchronicity you ask for. The numbers, a song, a CD that was on a shelf for 20 years, a movie, a book you don’t remember. It has been there. So much information has been there waiting for the time you would discover it. Layers upon layers of information. It could be a visit to a far away land, a Ceremony, meeting an old soul or a dream.
The messages are brought in like that so they will reach you at the right time. As they spark the memory, what you knew long ago. They help you to open your mind once more to the understanding of all that is. ( As I write blue orbs are dancing on and off the page)There are times you want to scream when you see what people are doing. You cannot change their mind. Sometimes a person has to go through a situation all the way to understand what happened or how they went into fear and lost the ability to discern. Fear is a great teacher as you well know.
Those who feel as strongly as you do feel the frequency, the energy in all things. The frequency of fear is part of the control system. It is used against you very effectively. Fear shuts down the body. It was created to save you from danger, fight or flight. Your mind goes blank, the blood flow moves to the core of the body to give your muscles the energy to run away from danger.
There is no tiger stalking you or danger from above, but you still react in the same way. When you are in fear you do not think, discern. You react and as you know with animals a reactive animal can be dangerous. You spend time getting that animal grounded and calm and back into their body. That is when instinct kicks in, not reaction. You have been in the frequency of fear for so long that you don’t even notice anymore. It is a way of life, a constant, and it is familiar. To some it is a catalyst and they want to stay in fear so they are motivated to work or complete tasks.
You feel the frequency of fear when you go to a website, read a message, go on some social media pages. It is placed there on purpose. The news, and most media is based in fear. The weather report can also be based in fear. You wonder how it would be different if people set intention to change negative weather reports. Storms might now be that dangerous, winds would calm, weather modification would not work if you countered it with intention. You know you use the power of prayer. You use meditation- some groups have millions of people meditating at the same time. Those mass meditations have been very effective. Remember your strength, remember how powerful intention is and if collective consciousness is able to focus together as one, miracles really can happen.
Now is the time to step into your own power. Find that still point in your mind, calm the thoughts and focus. It is time to take personal responsibility for what happens in your life. Do not allow others to manipulate or influence you. So many messages saying “ Take your power back “ This is the time to focus on self discipline. Train your mind and body to FOCUS. Set intention for what you want in your life. These are lessons we have learned and share with you now so you can master your fears and rise above the control system. When you learn to focus you will be in control of your destiny.
Things don’t happen by chance. Everything was set in motion with a thought or intention. You need to be aware of the energy behind a thought as well. You can’t set intention and then shut it down with doubt or fear and expect it to manifest. For example, you set intention to win a game and then say “ That would never happen to me”. You just cancelled out your intention by your comment.
We are teaching you a way to focus your intention so that you will bring the intention forward but it takes practice. It also takes discipline of the mind and monitoring your thoughts. You have learned ways to calm your thoughts through meditation and the use of plants like cedar and copal. You create the space to bring in these messages so you can bring them in with clarity.
Dream, intend what you wish to see for the future. It can manifest in an hour, a day, a month or years from now. It depends on what your intention is and if you allowed the energy to flow. What do you want to do when you wake up?
Vision boards are very effective to help set intention and manifest positive things in your life. You can see what your intentions are in words and pictures. You make a list, set intention for your future. You find pictures that express what you intend to do and put them on the vision board. You can add to it over time and put it in a place where you can see it. The vision grows and expands over time, you can see what your hopes and dreams for the future are. When you are manifesting and setting intention be mindful of your thoughts. Clear out and transmute any blocks or fears or negativity or self defeating intentions. Master your mind, your thoughts and allow the positive energy to flow. There will be forward movement as you allow this to manifest.
Some dreams begin before your incarnation, when you were dreaming in your life on earth. You put the life lessons you wanted to learn and details about your life and experiences in your Soul Contract. As you know EVERYTHING is subject to change and you can change and modify your Soul Contract at any time. There are messages and memes you read and see every day that direct your thoughts. “ Be careful what you wish for” , “ You have infinite potential” and “ Dreams come true “ are just a few. So many messages like billboards on the road. They tell you what to think and how to feel. Once again you can change the words, modify your thoughts and actions and shift the focus in a way that better suits you and your intentions. We want you to understand that YOU have control of your destiny. YOU have the ability to change your life for the better. Just remember you also have the ability to stop the flow of positive energy and to shut down your dreams with negative thoughts or self defeating beliefs. You need to unravel most of what you have been taught. The beliefs you had as a child were often a misunderstanding of how things were meant to be. They were an indoctrination to a societal system that was not based on your Free Will. Do not make a decision or set an intention when you are in fear or in a negative state of mind. Step out of the energy that does not support you. Find the energy that allows your dreams and intentions to flow. Baby steps- again it will be trial and error. You will see the beautiful synchronicity or you will be stuck in your head blocking the flow. Start to look around you and see how magical life really is. You might want to paint a picture but have no supplies. You set intention and suddenly a friend stops by with paint supplies they are no longer using. You see a sale coupon at the art supply store, the energy has been set in motion to support your intention. The energy of creation is all around us. You just need to allow it in. The old system, the control system is losing its power. It is time to stand on your own two feet. It is time to release the old beliefs and learn to Co- Create your own reality. You have the opportunity to create a life that brings you joy. You never had to follow the rules set in place to keep you down. You just never knew that you had a choice. Now you have the choice to create your life. Make it a good dream, set the intention that YOU desire. How do you want to live your life? What brings you joy? It is never too late to start again. Sometimes things have to fall apart to give you the opportunity to star over. Keep an eye out for signs and synchronicity and ask your Guides and Spirit Helpers to help you know you are on the right path. Be open to change and see your life experiences as gifts to help you achieve your goals. You have the knowledge, you have the dream and desire for change. You just did not know you could be part of that change. All the life lessons, the life experiences , the joy, the sorrow, the fear the people and places you found along the way were there to help you get where you want to go. Many are now creating a lifestyle and community to support their dreams. Share your life experience with others so they can support your vision. We are Co-Creating a New Earth. We are putting energy into action to achieve our goals. It is not going to happen on its own. We have to Co-create our reality. Dream a good dream and step out of the way. You will soon see that those who share your dream and vision will appear in your life to support you. We can all manifest a life and lifestyle that is in alignment with our dreams and desires. Listen to your inner guidance and watch the miracles unfold. There is so much potential for you right now and we are here to support your journey. We too were at the place you are now and are here to assist by sharing what we learned long ago. This is a new day, a new time, an opportunity to move into the energy of manifestation. Tune in and allow your dreams to unfold. Believe that it can happen and let it be in the frequency of love. Let it be for your highest good and the highest good of all. Still your mind and focus and watch your life unfold in ways you could never imagine. It is time to take up your Sacred responsibility as Co- Creator of your destiny. We watch and support you with love, proud to be here to support your journey. 7:22 am