Answers from the Spirit World
Message from 11
3-2-21 5:55 amA Higher Dimensional Perspective
Why 5:55? Told by Standing Elk/ Eagle that 5:55 am or pm is the perfect time to communicate with the Star People. Dark, still quiet in the am, Peaceful
11 and the Grandmothers will speak separately about “ The Event” that so many speak of is it the Sun? The Earth? Man Made? Off Planet? A Planetary shift? A shift in Consciousness?
Oyate Song- song for the people
So many questions from the human mind. This social media and this technology makes your head spin.So many people want to be right and want to be the one who gets it right. Today we speak to your with our perspective on this time. Tomorrow the Grandmothers with their Divine wisdom will share theirs. What a perfect combination of energy to bring the messages through.All is brought in with love. The frequency of love is paramount. Nothing can be done or manifested in the higher dimensions without the frequency of love.
This time on Earth is a turning point in your evolution as human beings. You are evolving. You are becoming more of a galactic human- universal human, able to evolve beyond the constraints of this present earth plane. You want a date, a time and “ event “ but don’t you see that you have been evolving since you got here?
You came in with the knowledge of this time. That was part of your Soul agreement. So many of you came in to very different energy. There was love but there was also much negativity and dysfunction. Human lineage is full of dysfunction. You have seen that in your life and in the media. Power, greed, and people doing everything they could to usurp that power. There were people on this earth that held that connection to Earth Mother and all that is. They understood the concept of all are one and did not understand those who wanted power and control and ownership “ over “ something that was freely given. So many times on this planet and others that energy tried to take over and overpower the inhabitants of that planet. Lifetimes, millennia, ages upon ages of Harmony and interconnectedness vs control and domination.
You are now faced with that same choice. Even today you see the growth of spirituality. The awakening to the truth that you are all spiritual beings and always have been. You lost that understanding as you passed through the veil. You forgot who you were and why you are here. That was the paradox of planet earth. You are Spirit, you have a mission or at least a Soul plan for this incarnation and “ forget “ it when you land upon this planet. The truth is all around you, clues and pieces of the puzzle but you must first wake up and realize that you are already spirit and you are not seeking spirituality you are seeking the truth of who you are and why you are here.
What an interesting journey to the truth. You have a Soul family and many helpers along the way who give your signs and symbols and synchronicity but it is ultimately up to you to figure it out. So many paths, so many ways you could go and so many translations of the same message. The journey is the return to “ you” .
Free will is the wild card and the challenge. We cannot tell you the answers unless you ask, but even then, we have to honor your free will and the law of non interference. We cannot change you or your destiny because that’s what happened long ago when you were created. You were created for a purpose and in that creation your full genetic potential was shut down. You were denied your true potential at the start. You were in a sense denied your full capability as a Galactic human.
Once again you are at a crossroads. The planet is shifting in consciousness. She is ascending as you say into the higher dimensions. It is gradual and beautiful as she is also a Soul, a spiritual being. You cannot help but shift as you are on this planet that is energetically shifting into the higher frequencies. You and she are connected energetically. Once again you have the choice. Free will is always a factor in everything that happens here. The free will directive was placed here for your protection.
We all are part of the collective. Every decision that is made is made by this particular collective, never the decision of one. The collective brings balance and unity to every decision. We cannot control all aspects of your evolution, we can merely decide how we can assist or not. Do we intervene or do we need to step out and allow things to progress on their own way at their own time?
You are here on earth at this time when there is a major shift in energy, frequency. A shift in consciousness. This is not the first time this has happened but every time, every shift is subject to include some factors that even we do not have control over. A planetary shift of ages. As you say a shift from one astrological influence to another. A shift in energy, words do not even describe it. You want to put it into words. You want to understand exactly what to expect so you can prepare but how do you prepare for something you have never experienced before?
Each one of you will see things from a different perspective. No one really knows what will happen. It is subject to your own personal understanding and subject to translation, put into words you will understand. Not all will see things the same way. Yes I know this sounds vague- you are all unique individuals. You all come from a different perspective of understanding. You had an education or not, you read books or not, you connect to a particular religion or belief system or not. How would your describe snow to someone who has never seen it. Does it come from the sky or the ground ?
So let us say you are already part of this planetary shift, this Great Awakening as you call it. You have been part of it since you came here the first time. Each lifetime, each incarnation of your Soul or Soul aspects has had an experience that is then added to the other lifetimes and soul experiences. We see this as bands of light, as colors. You carry these colors with you , around your body. We can see the colors and understand who you are and how your Soul journey has been. You saw this before- the spinning light bodies in the room with Kryon. ( At a Kryon Channel in 1995)
You are here now to assist but also experience your own Soul evolution and the evolution of all those Souls who are here with you now. This is a graduation of sorts and opportunity to complete your Soul evolution here on earth. You want a date and a time for your calendar. To know what time and date the alarm is going to go off and everything will be different. Everything is different NOW. You wanted it to be 12-12-12. You wanted it to be 12-21-12 and it was. You have been passing through the dates and times and energy shifts for eons. You know, you FEEL the solar eclipses and the lunar eclipses, the equinoxes and the planetary shifts. You have felt them all along.
The difference is YOU. you are all at a different level of understanding. Some, you would say are more awake than others. More aware, more sensitive to shifts and changes, aware of this planetary shift. Everything and everyone will be affected. How they are affected is up to them. It will depend on their evolution, their belief system, their understanding of how things are meant to be or expected to be.
We can put this on a personal level or a planetary level and it will be up to each individual and their own individual experience. We can say that this has been going on since the beginning of time. Time- that construct- since there was a consciousness.
Each and everyone on your planet and the planets in your solar system are going through a transformation. The control system is no longer able to control this shift from what you call darkness. This is a natural shift. The lesson of duality is over. This shift has been planned but the dark ones do not want to give up their power. They want to remain in control. This, you may say is not an easy transfer of energy.
The light has been returning to the planet. It has always been here but the balance is now back on the side of light, the higher frequencies. You are shifting, you cannot help it when you are in the higher dimensional energies. It affects all aspects of your being. You evolve. We say don’t be distracted by the drama because you are already at a level of understanding beyond the 3 D construct. You see the other dimensions. You feel the beings around you that hold a higher frequency.
Some cannot feel them or see them. They sense them but that puts them in a state of fear. They shut down in fear. This is why we say each individual will experience things differently because it will be from their current level of understanding. You can try to explain what you see or feel but they may still not understand the concept. Just know that there has been a change going on on this planet for a long time. Events have occurred to help be a catalyst for change. You cannot force people to see what they cannot understand.
We are here with you today and always to support you on this journey of awakening and Soul evolution. We come from a different level of understanding but once were where you are now. We know we cannot force you to understand concepts you are not ready to understand and can only reach you on the level where you currently are.
We can only communicate with you because you believe that we exist. You can hold a frequency allows us to communicate on a telepathic level. You then have the ability to put the words on paper. Those who cannot communicate in this way will have different experiences. They will find truth in a book, a movie, a conversation, a spiritual experience or happenstance. It will be more likely that there will be a series of events that will spark a greater understanding of reality.
This “ event” you all speak of will depend on your level of consciousness. You will be aware of a shift and changes in you and the planet. You feel the energetic shifts, you see beyond your present reality. The energy on the planet and the energies around the planet, the sun, the stars, the lunar cycles, eclipses, planetary alignments have all been the catalyst in your evolution as Universal Human. You are seeded from the stars. You have so many capabilities that are now evolving. They are being turned on and activated. You are learning what these are and how to use them. This is your evolution. You are being upgraded and enhanced as you travel through the higher frequencies. This is the time of activation and growth, unlimited potential. We say again step out of the way. Do not limit yourself, allow the changes to happen, allow growth on all levels.
The old system is losing its power. It is no longer needed for your Soul growth. You now have the opportunity to experience life in the higher dimensions. You will find the Soul memory and the energy you left behind during other incarnations at different locations around the world. You will continue to go through the planetary cycles and procession of the planetary bodies that will continue to awaken you and shift into a higher state of consciousness. Your evolution does not stop, it continues forever because your Soul is eternal.
You have been experiencing the shift from dark to light . You have always felt the love of Creator and the connection to all that is. You feel it now getting stronger and stronger because you are able to feel and see at a higher level of consciousness.Try not to limit yourself to something happening on one day or one month, one experience. You will feel the major shifts when they occur- like May 26/27/21 because so many will be focused on the energy of that day. Feel the energy, feel the waves as they expand. Allow the energy to flow through you and around you. This is the energy of LOVE.
We too are here to experience the energy from the level of our awareness. We share our knowledge and experiences with you- with all who are open to hear- because we too are evolving. We are all here together for the same purpose- Soul Evolution. We watch the shift in consciousness with love and joy. We want you all to reach your full potential as Universal Beings- infinite beings. We send you love, and are here to support you. We are all here today to support your journey. 7:44 am
Do not limit yourself to one experience. Allow yourself to experience the miracles that happen each and every day.